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简介足球赛程安排英语作文怎么写的_足球赛程安排英语作文怎么写的好       接下来,我将针对足球赛程安排英语作文怎么写的的问题给出一些建议和解答,希望对大家有所帮助。现在










       Fall sports in the school playground grand opening. This is a display of athletic training students, collective spirit, embodies the class style games. At 8:00 in the morning, held a grand

       opening ceremony, all the students in the class for the team just north of the podiumafterentering the main playground. One (5) class athletes, high spirits, uniforms, marched in orderly pace, with the sonorous of the podiumafterentering the main playground. One (5) class athletes, high spirits, uniforms, marched in orderly pace, with the sonorous

       and forceful music into the

       main hall, their mental outlook to the teacher who impressed indicates they will achieve good results in the sports



       The two days of competition, the careful arrangement, work schedule, tension in

       the audience, busy fighting athletes, referees, lets the human heartbeat sound, showing a

       beautiful scenery line. These two days, the logistics group of students is more difficult, some for the athletes to prepare the game take clothes to send water, some buy goods, some write manuscript, busy awfully, from their performance, the real class devote ourselves. The athletes take part in competition is very hard, positive, their early came in the

       game waiting

       for the start of

       the game. Readily used several scenes: for example Yan Xu students while the head is not high, but the kind of indomitable spirit worthy of our study, and achieved excellent results in the competition; and as Zhang Jing though the

       students did not

       take part in the

       high jump competition, but this time try to entries, out of the blue material that she should set the Thames a great coup won the high of a woman the first good results, the person's potential is

       infinite; for instance Zou Caiyun

       students won the

       women's 800 meters and

       1500 meters

       of the

       first third two outstanding

       achievements; Mo road students while the mother accidentally broke

       his arm, but he still adhere to participate in the

       competition and

       achieved good grades; Zhu Yong students not only in their game to achieve excellent results, but also for a class competition give advice and

       suggestions, make great contributions for the class to achieve outstanding

       results. There are many touching stories like this, there is no one one lists. In each of the athletes have a strong willpower, never give up

       the belief in

       support of

       them, behind

       every good

       results have

       their hard sweat

       and toil, let our classmates to thank them.


       The students, the school sports meeting victory ended, we have a high (5) classes scored

       high on the first

       grade group fourth of

       the good results in the sports

       meeting. First of all, let us warm applause to all the obtained the position and has not obtained the position players thanks to their classmates, won the honor for the class. Two days to the

       sports field full

       of tension, intense, friendly, festive atmosphere, I class athletes give full play to

       the not afraid of

       difficulties, courageously, tenacious struggle, the spirit of striving for excellence, race out of the level, race out of style. Service group and advocacy group students, be strict in one's demands, serious and responsible work, stick to their posts, and carry forward the continuous fighting style, all this fully shows our high (5) classes of unity

       upward, unremitting

       self-improvement spirit. The games, in the run-up to the Games time, all reflect the students a strong collective sense of honor. Preparation stage, our class athlete students actively started training, pledge class for

       the glory, this do not fight the battle

       unprepared spirit

       is worth promoting in the

       learning of good

       experience. Especially in the race, athletes tenacious struggle actively preparing for

       war, made

       gratifying achievements. Students make cheerleading, or in the class athletes cheer for athletes, or by radio. There are students organized a rescue team, to the middle and long distance

       runners to the end

       of the

       rescue. This reflects the unity of the spirit in our class a good class atmosphere and. Especially valuable is that these are in the teacher in the games to do a simple arrangement, the students autonomous carried out, through this activity, students independent ability class cadre management gained a lot of exercise and



       The end of the game, honor and

       sweat all into this short and loud applause, more laughter and joy, the applause embodies the collective responsibility to a class and sense of collective honor, carrying the expectations of teachers. One student wrote in the diary: "today

       I finally

       felt the

       class unity, friendship, peace, joy!" An activity can have such a big harvest, for a class is sufficient. I hope that

       this cooperation atmosphere in our

       class carry

       forward, a high (5) classes of all the students, let each of the students have their own goals, in order to achieve this goal, let us continue to struggle, dare to go beyond, firm faith, to create a more brilliant tomorrow!


       The classmates, we hope to show in the games on the solidarity, hard work, excellence in the spirit of our study, life and work, as a high (5) classes to

       achieve greater progress and efforts!

        望采纳 谢谢


       Soccer is among the most popular sports in the world. Every day there are some

       games and many people like to watch or take part in them.

       Girls and boys may have different opinions about games. Girls are usually more interested in handsome players than in the game. They may think that it is boring to watch so many players going after just one ball, and cannot understand why boys are so keen on the game. On the other hand, boys find so much pleasure in watching and taking part in the game.For them, is so competitive and attractive.

       I think is a very fascinating sport when players display strength, tactics and teamwork. One can learn a lot from the game.


       One day, the weather was fine. Siu-ming and a group of small partners into a green lawn for . They are divided into two teams, one team is red team, a team of the yellow team. Xiao-Ming Huang team is team Scud. Soon as the whistle, the football from the personal side, crossed the red team's Xiaogang what a Scud, the football played high, and far off. "Ah, scored a net of the yellow team!" Red team members were excited to cheer for him desperately, and some emotion is so intense it will be Xiaogang high toss. This makes yellow team members were very angry, and Scud-Xiao Ming can be angry it! He played much football kick put the football on the ground Gulugulu to roll forward, Xiao-Ming Qi Gugu, the cheek side of a transparent shed sweat, the mouth pursed, hot pursuit of letting go. Catching up with her aunt to one of the window, stood on a windowsill that a pot of bright red aunts of the most beloved of the Chinese rose. Xiao-Ming is too angry, and kicked the football kicked the air, -shun straight from the air fall to the sill of the basin of Chinese rose knocked over. Xiao-Ming, see things were not going to immediately adopt the football to whom Aunt's doorstep. "Dongdong Dong", Xiao-Ming Qiaoliaojixia door gently. Squeak ----- Suddenly the door opened, and before him stood an aunt, aunts, kindly, said: "Come in", Xiao-Ming for aunt sat on the sofa, Small said: "Auntie, I am sorry, I put you The pot shattered. "aunt, said:" Never mind, you are really honest child! "Xiao-Ming Zizi sweet heart, and happily go home.一天,天气晴朗。小明和一群小伙伴们到一片绿油油的草坪上踢足球。他们分为两队,一队是红队,一队是黄队。小明在黄队是队里的飞毛腿。在一声哨声下,足球从各个人身旁冲过,红队里的小刚一下一个飞毛腿,把足球踢得高高的,远远的。“呀,踢进黄队的网里了!”红队的队员们激动地拼命为他喝彩,有些激动得太厉害的将小刚高高抛起。这使黄队队员们愤怒极了,飞毛腿小明可生气呢!他一脚就把足球踢得远远的,足球在地上骨碌骨碌地滚动着,小明气鼓鼓的,脸颊边流下了透明的汗珠,噘着小嘴,紧追不放。直追到一个阿姨家的窗前,窗台上放着那个阿姨最心爱的一盆红艳艳的月季花。小明实在太生气了,一脚把足球踢到半空中,足球顺时间从半空中直掉下来,把窗台上的那盆月季花打翻了。小明见情况不妙,立即抱上足球到那位阿姨的家门口。“咚咚咚”,小明轻轻地敲了几下门。吱-----的一声,门开了,他面前站着一位阿姨,阿姨亲切地说:“请进”,小明让阿姨坐到沙发上,小明说:“阿姨,对不起,我把你的花盆打碎了。”阿姨说:“没关系,你真是个诚实的孩子!”小明心里甜滋滋的,高高兴兴地回家了。 43


       The World Cup is held once every four years. This year, the World Cup matches will be held in South Africa.

       The whole tournament will take one month. This year, it will start from June 11 and the final match will be held on July 11.

       There will be 32 nations participating in the World Cup. If I go there, I can watch 64 matches in total.

       希望对你有帮助 望采纳


       This week, we began to study the course about TEM-4, because we need to take this exam next year. It is very important for our English major. It is a good way to show others our English level. Although TEM-8 is better, there are not too many people will pass it according our teacher. So, TEM-4 is the chance for many students. It is very shamed to tell other people that I fell in TEM-4. Thus, our teacher divided several parts of the exam content. Several excellent teachers will pick up their adept part to teach us. I found that every part of it is not easy to learn. Put aside the other parts, just talk about the dictation part. It is a real headache. I feel difficulty both in listening in the sentence and writing it down. Usually, I can only catch a little. Although my teacher comfort me that I need time to improve and I just start for a week, I still feel worried about it. Can I have the hope to pass TEM-4?


       On the palyground, some girls are talking , two students are fighting. A boy is asking his teacher a question.There are lots of sutdents playing sports. Some boys are playing . some girls are rope skipping. Some students are sitting under a big tree. Look! Two boys are running. All of them are happy.
