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tamoadmin 2024-07-08 人已围观

简介1.急需一篇关于羽毛球(badmiton)的英文两分钟演讲稿。2.羽毛球比赛中裁判说的英文是什么?3.求羽毛球英文介绍4.羽毛球英文介绍5.羽毛球比分几比几平用英文怎么说?6.求英语的羽毛球运动简介The Badminton that we know of today was begun in England. In 1873, the Englishman Beaufort from a tow








The Badminton that we know of today was begun in England. In 1873, the Englishman Beaufort from a town called Badminton discovered the game by chance; which explained why the game was named Badminton.

The Badminton court is rectangular in shape, marked with various 4mm width lines, the centre of the court is a net at 1.55 meters height. The full length of the court is 13.4 meters, the width for a doubles game is 6.10 meters while for singles play is 5.18 meters.

In singles play, there are two boundary lines at each side, the inner line of the boundary line is meant for the singles game. At the back of the court of each side, there are two lines; the outer line is the singles play boundary line.

If the server stands in the left service court, he/she has to make sure the shuttlecock reach the opponents’ right service court. Should the shuttlecock failed to pass over the short service line on the opponents’ court, the shuttlecock pass over the back boundary line, or the shuttlecock fall into the wrong side of court, the service will count as a fault. Likewise, if the shuttlecock failed to pass over the net will also be considered a fault. Besides, the shuttlecock touching the line will be given the score.



1. How many pounds you want to pull?

2. How many pounds you usually play?

3. You want to try win the racket?

4. The shock is in good racket!

5. You want to pull what line? Powerful type, there are durable type, with elastic-type!

5.VS-750 is a durable type of Ti line!

Questions added: 7. One to One

A pair of one

8. A pair of two

打羽毛球:play badminton



















1. Badminton coach

2. In the Badminton Hall

3. Service line

4.'s Doubles Line

5.'s Singles Line

6. Sideline

7. The bottom line

8. The net

9. Midfielder

10. After the games

11. Small ball

12. Lofty goals

13. Catenary

14. You should not wear shoes into the Stadium. Because the shoes at the end too hard, would undermine the venue.

15. That you serve.

16. Hitting the ball when you can not be higher than your waist.

17. We play bar.

18. Oh, we won!

界内:Sector 界外:Bounds


Badminton began in India with a game known as poona. Poona was a competitive sport that British Army officers learned and brought back to England.

Badminton is a sport similar to tennis. It is played by either two opposing players (singles)or two opposing pairs (doubles). Players are positioned at the opposite ends of the court, aiming to hit a shuttlecock over the net so that it lands inside the marked boundaries of the court, and their opponents from doing the same. Only the server can win points. Just like tennis, there are five main categories in badminton: men's singles, women's singles, men's doubles, women's doubles and mixed doubles (each pair is composed of one man and one woman). A game of badminton is played on a court measuring 6.1 m/20 ft by 13.4 m/44 ft. There is a net (0.8 m/2.5 ft deep and a height of 1.52m/5 ft) stretched across the middle of the court where the shuttlecock must be sent over.


羽毛球 badminton

换发球 alternate in servint

发球区 half court

发球权 right to serve

左场区 left square

发球犯规 foul hit

右场区 right square

发球违例 faulty serving

反手区 backhand court

交换发球区 alternate courts

中线 midcourt line

直接得分的发球 ace

边线 side boundary

交换发球区 alternate courts

端线 backcourt

发高远球 deep high service

死球 deab bird

前发球场 short service line

打对角线球 cross court shot

单打球场 singles court

封角近网球 crosscourt net fly

双打球场 doubles court

封角近网球 crosscourt flight

双打发球线 doubles service line

右发球区 right service court

高远球 clear

双打发球区 doubles service court

曲线近网球 cross curve net fly

单打发球区 singles service court

单双打边线之间地带 side alley

下蹲防守 crouch defende

双打球场 doubles court

单双打两用球场 combination court

双打发球区 doubles service court

双打发球线 doubles service line


平抽球,快平球 drive

贴网快平秋 driven flight

吊球 drop

短吊,轻吊,短球 drop shot

吊球 drop spike

发球违例 faulty scrving

换发球,双打中一轮流发球 alternate in serving boundary


你好。谢谢采纳。 The Badminton that we know of today was begun in England. In 1873, the Englishman Beaufort from a town called Badminton discovered the game by chance; which explained why the game was named Badminton. The Badminton court is rectangular in shape, marked with various 4mm width lines, the centre of the court is a net at 1.55 meters height. The full length of the court is 13.4 meters, the width for a doubles game is 6.10 meters while for singles play is 5.18 meters. In singles play, there are two boundary lines at each side, the inner line of the boundary line is meant for the singles game. At the back of the court of each side, there are two lines; the outer line is the singles play boundary line. If the server stands in the left service court, he/she has to make sure the shuttlecock reach the opponents’ right service court. Should the shuttlecock failed to pass over the short service line on the opponents’ court, the shuttlecock pass over the back boundary line, or the shuttlecock fall into the wrong side of court, the service will count as a fault. Likewise, if the shuttlecock failed to pass over the net will also be considered a fault. Besides, the shuttlecock touching the line will be given the score.




badminton:英/?b?dm?nt?n/? 美/?b?dm?nt?n/。



复数: badmintons。


















英文3:3?英语:Thyee aII (3平的意思)

汉语必须宣报 3比3 不可以报3平。



则报:局点、20比6 局点报在前

而英文:20 game point 6 game point( 局点 )在两个分数之间。?英语TWenty game point six

又如汉语: 局点、29比29

英文:29 game point aII?英语:[TWentyNine game point aII ]



court 球场

combination court 单打、双打合用的球场

doubles court 双打球场

singles court 单打球场

backcourt 后场

backcourt player 后场球员

forecourt 前场

forecourt player 前场球员

singles service court 单打发球区

doubles service court 双打发球区

service court 发球区

left court 左场区

left service court 左发球区

right court 右场区

right service court 右发球区

alley 单打与双打之间的场区

back alley 单打端线和双打端线之间的细长地带


back boundary line/backcourt boundary 端线(单打后发球线)

base line 端线

centre line/mid court line 中线

side line/side boundary line 边线

inside side line (单双打线都有的场地)单打边线

outside side line (单双打线都有的场地)双打边线

corners of backcourt 后场两角

doubles service line 双打发球线

front service line/short service line 前发球线

rear service line/long service line (双打)后发球线

rear court 后场

net post 网柱

net tape/white tape/band网顶白布条



forehand 正拍

backhand 反拍

grip 握拍

backhand grip 反手握拍

forehand grip 正手握拍


backswing 引拍(准备击球)

deception 假动作

preliminary feint (发球时的)假动作

delivery of service 发球动作

full strike 全力击球

full swing 全力挥拍

high backhand stroke 上手反拍击球

overhand stroke 上手球(高于手部的击球)

overhead stroke 头顶球(位于头顶的击球)

round-the-head stroke 绕头顶击球

shoulder-high drive 与肩齐高的平抽球

side-arm stroke 侧手球(回击位于身体侧面的球)

underhand stroke 下手球

strike 击(球)

intercept 截击

Badminton is a sport for two or four people. In this way, the game consists of either one player against one player or a team of two players against another team of two players. Players use rackets to hit a shuttlecock over anet.

The aim of the game is to hit the shuttlecock over the net in a way that the other player or pair cannot hit it back properly before it hits the floor. Every time this is done, the player or pair gets one point. The winner of the rally gets to serve. The first player or pair to reach 21 points wins a game.

The winner of the match is the first to win 2 sets.


Badminton traces its history to a game called Poon, which was played in Pune, India in the 19th century by British military officers stationed there. This game was taken by retired officers back to England where it developed and quickly grew in popularity. In 1877, the first set of written rules were arranged by the newly formed Bath Badminton Club. The All England Open Badminton Championships, the first badminton competition in the world, was held in 1899. Badminton has been an Olympic sport since 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona. Although badminton originated in England, it is mainly played in countries of Asia such as China, Indonesia and the Republic of Korea that now dominates this sport.


这里的英文浅显易懂,因为它是“simple English",




Adults who might find it hard to learn or read

People who are learning English)
