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tamoadmin 2024-08-04 人已围观

简介shake me into the night and i‘m an easy lover take me into the fight and i‘m an easy brother and i‘m on fire burn my sweet effigy i‘m a road runner spill my guts on a wheel i wanna taste uh-huh and i‘


shake me into the night

and i'm an easy lover

take me into the fight

and i'm an easy brother

and i'm on fire

burn my sweet effigy

i'm a road runner

spill my guts on a wheel

i wanna taste uh-huh

and i'm on fire

and i'm on fire

and i'm on fire

i'm on fire

whoo whoo

whoo whoo

wire me up to machines

i'll be your prisoner

find it hard to believe

you are my murderer

i'm on fire behind you

heads a fallen sky

i'm on fire

i'm on fire

whoo whoo

whoo whoo

i'm on fire

i'm on fire

whoo whoo

whoo whoo