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       the World Cup

       football, , Association football 足球

       field, pitch 足球场

       midfied 中场

       kick-off circle 中圈

       half-way line 中线

       football, eleven 足球队

       football player 足球运动员

       goalkeeper, goaltender, goalie 守门员

       back 后卫

       left 左后卫

       right back 右后卫

       centre half back 中卫

       half back 前卫

       left half back 左前卫

       right half back 右前卫

       forward 前锋

       centre forward, centre 中锋

       inside left forward, inside left 左内锋

       inside right forward, inside right 右内锋

       outside left forward, outside left 左边锋

       outside right forward, outside right 右边锋

       kick-off 开球

       bicycle kick, overhead kick 倒钩球

       chest-high ball 平胸球

       corner ball, corner 角球

       goal kick 球门球

       ground ball, grounder 地面球

       hand ball 手触球

       header 头球

       penalty kick 点球

       spot kick 罚点球

       free kick 罚任意球

       throw-in 掷界外球

       ball handling 控制球

       block tackle 正面抢截

       body check 身体阻挡

       bullt 球门前混战

       fair charge 合理冲撞

       chesting 胸部挡球

       close-marking defence 钉人防守

       close pass, short pass 短传

       consecutive passes 连续传球

       deceptive movement 假动作

       diving header 鱼跃顶球

       flying headar 跳起顶球

       dribbling 盘球

       finger-tip save (守门员)托救球

       clean catching (守门员)跳球抓好

       flank pass 边线传球

       high log pass 高吊传球

       scissor pass 交叉传球

       volley pass 凌空传球

       triangular pass 三角传球

       rolling pass, ground pass 滚地传球

       slide tackle 铲球

       clearance kick 解除危险的球

       to shoot 射门

       grazing shot 贴地射门

       close-range shot 近射

       long drive 远射

       mishit 未射中

       offside 越位

       to pass the ball 传球

       to take a pass 接球

       spot pass 球传到位

       to trap 脚底停球

       to intercept 截球

       to break through, to beat 带球过人

       to break loose 摆脱

       to control the midfield 控制中场

       to disorganize the defence 破坏防守

       to fall back 退回

       to set a wall 筑人墙

       to set the pace 掌握进攻节奏

       to ward off an assault 击退一次攻势

       to break up an attack 破坏一次攻势

       ball playing skill 控救技术

       total football 全攻全守足球战术

       open football 拉开的足球战术

       off-side trap 越位战术

       wing play 边锋战术

       shoot-on-sight tactics 积极的抢射战术

       time wasting tactics 拖延战术

       Brazilian formation 巴西阵式, 4-2-4 阵式

       four backs system 四后卫制

       four-three-three formation 4-3-3 阵式

       four-two-four formation 4-2-4 阵式

       red card 红牌(表示判罚出场)

       yellow card 黄牌(表示警告)


       《飘扬的旗帜》表达了对这片充满战火 、贫穷和落后的土地不离不弃的热爱。

       Give me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higher


       See the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud


       In the streets are, exaliftin , as we lose our inhibition,


       Celebration its around us, every nations, all around us


       Singin forever young, singin songs underneath that sun


       Lets rejoice in the beautiful game.


       And together at the end of the day.


       WE ALL SAY


       When I get older I will be stronger


       They'll call me freedom Just like a wavin' flag


       And then it goes back


       And then it goes back


       And then it goes back






       4、2023年女足世界杯(2023FIFA Women’s World Cup),2023年7月20至8月20日在新西兰和澳大利亚举办的足球赛事。






       1st Uruguay1930 Uruguay 4-2 Argentina GoldenBoot: GuillermoStabile(ARG,8goals)

       2nd Italy1934 Italy 2-1 Czechoslovakia(Extra Time) GoldenBoot:OldrichNejedly(CZE,5goals)

       3rd France1938 Italy 4-2 Hungary GoldenBoot:Leonidas(BRA,8goals)

       4th Brazil1950 Uruguay 2-1 Brazil GoldenBoot:Ademir(BRA,9goals)

       5th Switzerland1954 W.Germany 3-2 Hungary GoldenBoot:SandorKocsis(HUN,11goals)

       6th Sweden1958 Brazil 5-2 Sweden GoldenBoot:JustFontaine(FRA,13goals)

       7th Chile1962 Brazil 3-1 Czechoslovakia GoldenBoots:Garrincha(BRA),ValentinIvanov(USSR),LeonelSanchez(CHI),Vava(BRA),FlorianAlbert(HUN),DrazenJerkovic(YUG),all scored 4 goals.

       8th England1966 England 4-2 W.Germany(ExtraTime) GoldenBoot:Eusebio(PRT,9goals)

       9th Mexico1970 Brazil 4-1 Italy GoldenBoot:GerdMueller(W.GER,10goals)

       10th W.Germany1974 W.Germany 2-1 Netherlands GoldenBoot:GrzegorzLato(POL,7goals)

       11th Argentina1978 Argentina 3-1 Netherlands(Extra Time) GoldenBoot:MarioKempes(ARG,6goals)

       12th Spain1982 Italy 3-1 W.Germany GoldenBoot:PaoloRossi(ITA,6goals)

       13th Mexico1986 Argentina 3-2 W.Germany GoldenBoot:GaryLineker(ENG,6goals)

       14th Italy1990 W.Germany 1-0 Argentina GoldenBoot:SalvatoreSchillaci(ITA,6goals)

       15th USA1994 Brazil 3-2 Italy(0-0 in 120 min.,penalty shootout) GoldenBoots:OlegSalenko(RUS),HristoStoitchkov(BGR),all scored 6 goals

       16th France1998 France 3-0 Brazil GoldenBoot:DavorSuker(HRV,6goals)

       17th Korea/Japan2002 Brazil 2-0 Germany GoldenBoot:Ronaldo(BRA,8goals)

       18th Germany2006 Italy 6-4 France(1-1 in 120 min.,penalty shootout)GoldenBoot:MiloslavKlose(GER,5goals)





       英文(FIFA World Cup),简称“世界杯”,是由全世界国家级别球队参与,象征足球界最高荣誉,并具有最大知名度和影响力的足球赛事。世界杯全球电视转播观众超过35亿,世界杯每四年举办一次,任何国际足联会员国(地区)都可以派出代表队报名参加这项赛事。








       World Cup World Cup as a single in the background of the birth of sports, is the world's largest sports event. The origin of the World Cup began in the early 20th century, Special Olympics is held in Antwerp in 1920 of the Olympic Games. In the Olympic Games, South America, Asia and Africa, 14 countries took part in the Olympic Games of football project in 1928 17 countries participated in the Amsterdam Olympic Games, but until now have not forming the birth of the World Cup.

       Until 1920 on May 26, FIFA has decided to organise a football game alone, from this was born the World Cup. In 1926, FIFA Association, President of Remy-organised by the "FIFA Football Association of all States members of the national team takes the first FIFA World Cup".

       They choose the middle of the Olympic Games, the game of the year and decide every four years the World Cup, held in France finished third (1938) after the game, since the second world war broke out, World Cup match interrupt 12 years. By the end of the war, Brazil in 1950, held its fourth session World Cup.

       FIFA World Cup trophy in the history of the origin of the FIFA World Cup during the two World Cup trophy, the first trophy undergone twists and turns.

       When FIFA decision is scheduled to start in 1930 after the first World Cup, French sculptor Rafel produced the winning team will be awarded the gold trophy. The trophy is a mosaic with gemstones strut victory stretching his arms and octagonal Cup engravings. In order to remember the founder of the World Cup-Remy-President, took the trophy is named "Cup", but before the outbreak of World War II (game (1930, 1934, 1938), only referred to as the World Cup. The 1970, was only looking to the State of Brazil always possessed this trophy.

       During the second world war, the World Cup trophy to is not affected by the aggressors "persecution" had been hiding in Italy a housing under the bed. 1966 World Cup held in England before the World Cup in civilian exhibition is stolen. British police repeatedly looking for this trophy, but ended in failure. Finally, the trophy was known as the "peak Franz" dog in suburban trash to find out. World Cup lost.

       In 1983, the trophy was stolen again in Brazil, has not yet found. It is estimated that may have been stealing to understand, therefore, become the giant trophies in this bid farewell to the world. So Brazilian football association produced copies instead of keeping.

       The second World Cup trophy is 53 design pattern in the selection, and in the 1974 World Cup race meeting. The trophy is made by the Italian sculptor and lagna pure with 18K. According to his instructions, the trophy image yun with "rising from the ground volute line in support of the Earth, this exhibit was victories of the moment of passion".

       This trophy high 36 cm (14 inches), 4,970 g (11 British pound), all owned by FIFA. Won the World Cup champion team can get copies of the gold.

       Overview of the World Cup held in time: 4 years (held in the middle of the Austrian National Games of the era) selected 6 and July in a month. All the previous World Cup venue Wolff (previously 16th 9 times in Europe, South America four times in North America three successive World Cup hosting countries (13 countries) Uruguay, Italy (2nd), France (2nd), Brazil, Switzerland, Sweden, Chile, the United Kingdom, Mexico (2nd), West Germany, Argentina, Spain, the United States (1 year)





       今年的世界杯是第十八届世界杯 2006·德国

       第一届世界杯 1930·乌拉圭 英文

       第二届世界杯 1934·意大利 英文

       第三届世界杯 1938·法国 英文

       第四届世界杯 1950·巴西 英文

       第五届世界杯 1954·瑞士 英文

       第六届世界杯 1958·瑞典 英文

       第七届世界杯 1962·智利 英文

       第八届世界杯 1966·英格兰 英文

       第九届世界杯 1970·墨西哥 英文

       第十届世界杯 1974·德国 英文

       第十一届世界杯 1978·阿根廷 英文

       第十二届世界杯 1982·西班牙 英文

       第十三届世界杯 1986·墨西哥 英文

       第十四届世界杯 1990·意大利 英文

       第十五届世界杯 1994·美国 英文

       第十六届世界杯 1998·法国 英文

       第十七届世界杯 2002·韩国/日本 英文 中文

       第十八届世界杯 2006·德国

       第十九届世界杯 2010·南非





























































